Basting Techniques
Even Baste/Straight Baste
This is the most basic of basting stitches. It is used in a variety of ways. It can be used to simply hold two pieces of fabric together around the outside edges permanently, or it can be used to temporarily secure fabric in a certain position for further working. When working by hand, I use this stitch to tack pieces together before I sew. In this way, it takes the place of pins which might otherwise get caught on handsewing threads as they are pulled over the surface of the work.
Uneven Baste/Galloping Baste
This is just a different version of the straight baste using a small pick instead of an even pick.
Diagonal Baste
This stitch is great for basting curved areas such as armholes and necklines. It is also the basic movement that is used for pad stitching. Once you learn this stitch, you’ll be well on your way to sculpting and creating creative, diverse pieces.