Pattern Development



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Draping is the technique of placing fabric on a mannequin or other body form and using pins and scissors to adjust the shape and trim away excess material until you have pattern shapes wrapping the mannequin. This is the most sculptural and least mathematical of the pattern making methods and is used in both professional costume work as well as fashion. This method is good for developing unfamiliar, or avant-garde styles.


Drafting is the practice of using mathematical formulae, either directly or encoded, to draw out a pattern to the correct shape and style. It is technical, and takes some time to master. It is one of the most common types of pattern making among costume professionals. This method is what has been used for most of clothing history. It is highly versatile and is great for making client-specific patterns.


Flat Patterning

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In the practice of Flat Patterning, the design begins by developing a basic, neutral shape called a “sloper.” The art of flat patterning lies in manipulating that sloper into different shapes and forms with a standard set of rules to govern how seams are moved and fullness is added. This is the most common method in the modern fashion industry. These sloper drafts will help you get started.