Bara System Pattern Archive

Make it stand out.



If you want to use the Flat Pattern method of sloper manipulation, these drafts will get you started.


Stays, Corsets, Bodies, Kirtles

Feeling like you need a lift? This is the page with all of your bust support garments from the 15th century on.


Stretch fabrics

In this section, you will find a growing number of Bara-based pattern diagrams for drafting various garments from stretch materials. This area will grow slowly, but we’ve got more coming!


Shirts, Shifts, Chemises, Under-Breeches, Boxers, Split Drawers and more. You’ll find your next-to-skin garments here.


Skirts, Petticoats

Whether short or long, full or flat, this is where you’ll find a variety of skirt, petticoat, and structural garment patterns for various eras and styles.


Doublets, Jackets, Waistcoats

From the 16th through the 21st century, this is your one-stop shop for diagrams of various cuts of men’s and women’s Upper-body garments.


Gowns, Dresses, Coats, Cloaks

Let’s face it. Opulence wouldn’t feel nearly so grand if it weren’t for gowns. If it’s a neck to hem kind of dress, gown or long coat/cloak, this is the place for it.


Breeches, Trousers, Jeans, Shorts

Keep your legs snug and fierce with these drafts from historical to modern. Male and Female-bodied lower body covering



Especially when it comes to 19th century pattern making, bodices have their unique place in the historical clothier’s arsenal. These drafts provide great general shapes and foundations for making glorious wearable confections