Over Skirt 1560-1640
Over skirt Lesson 1
In this lesson you will learn how to draft and cut a 16th/17th century over skirt. This style and construction of skirt was common throughout Europe during most of the 16th and 17th centuries. It opens at the sides, so it should be put on over the head. Lightly padded gathers, a stiffened hem, and a wide guard make give this comfortable skirt lots of body and movement.
Over Skirt Lesson 2
In this lesson we will stitch the main seams of the skirt and begin to make the hem treatment. The seams are long, but there are relatively few steps. This construction can be used for both petticoats and over skirts.
Over Skirt Lesson 3
In the final lesson for the over skirt, we will apply and complete the guard which also closes the hem facing simultaneously. We will pad and finish the waist and ties. This video was shot, right at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic so it is not quite as polished as the others. My apologies for any disappointments this might have caused.
Hip Roll
No skirt of the period will hang right without the correct padding beneath it. This modest hip roll gives a nice round curve to the top of the skirt, creating the correct line for the period. In this video you will see both hand and machine techniques for this garment.