1610s suit for a client


Originally published: 05/09/2016

Today I am working on a suit for a client. It is a classic "Modern Maker" style suit consisting of a 1600's style doublet and breeches with a ropilla/sayo in matching colors. The construction is identical to the doublet in TMM 1 and will be left relatively plain with some simple contrasting band embellishment. The doublet will likely have a narrow velvet trim and the ropilla and breeches of hunter green wool will be trimmed with black bias silk bands.

The formed interlining with pad stitched wool felt in the shoulder and armhole

The formed interlining with pad stitched wool felt in the shoulder and armhole

The linen doublet front, formed and basted in place

The linen doublet front, formed and basted in place

The illustrations are some of my first using a new program for the iPad Pro called "Procreate" While I am not the best illustrator, the images give enough understanding of the suit to create it.

Illustration of the doublet and breeches

Illustration of the doublet and breeches

This suit will also have a cassock of beautiful brown striped wool. I will post additional photos as the process continues.



A Felt Cloak